My Progress.....

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Oh Happy Sunday!

I woke up this morning anxious to get on the scale because I have been waiting for my TOM to pass before checking in.  I am now down 14 Lbs in 14 days!  I am completely convinced that weight loss through green smoothies is the way to go.  Before on my prior juice and water fasts, I always had severe detox symptoms which made it difficult to continue at times.  Especially the lower back pains from accumulated toxins in the lower intestine which is located near the base of the spine.  But the detox is so much milder with the smoothies.  The cleansing is still definitely going on, but it is much more tolerable.  And the fiber from the emulsified fruits & veggies helps to keep moving the toxins out of the body regularly.  A few months ago, I would have told anyone to do a fast for weight loss.  And while that is still an excellent tool, I would more likely encourage a green smoothie diet instead.  One of the best things that has happened is that I have lost my cravings for SAD food.  My mouth actually waters as I wash up a head of Romaine Lettuce or bunch of Spinach.  And this is coming from a girl who HATED vegetables and would never think of eating greens by CHOICE.  My vegetable consumption on SAD consisted of me munching on carrot sticks off an appetizer tray at family or work functions. 
This morning I actually gave the dogs some of my green smoothie and they ending up cleaning their bowls and begging for more.  Now I just have to work on getting the BF to join me!  :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Blurb about Green Smoothies

I know most people won't even give Green Smoothies a chance because of their appearance.  I was one of them.  TRUST ME: Green Smoothies do not taste green unless you prepare them to taste that way.  All of the ones I make taste like a fruit smoothie of some sort.  Once you get past the appearance of these amazing drinks, you'll be addicted.  If you have trouble with the color, you can always use a covered cup or simply add blueberries!  These things are loaded with vitamins and antioxidants which your body desperately needs. As Mama always said: Try it, you just may like it!

6 Lbs Gone in 10 Days

Well, I made it through 10 days fairly easily.  I was surprised to see I had only lost 6 Lbs in 10 days.  I guess I shouldn't be, considering "Aunt Flow" is in town and I tend to retain about 5 Lbs of water on average.  I am absolutely loving the green smoothies!  This is so much easier than water and juice fasting ever was.  I am making sure that I drink within 1 hour of waking up and then again every 3 1/2 - 4 hours to keep my metabolism going.  I'm also doing 1 hour of cardio a day.  This is usually on my exercise bike twice a day for 30 minutes.  We live near a few large lakes about 3 miles around, so we will often take the dogs for walks around them also.  This weekend we were away from home for quite some time and I knew we wouldn't be back in time for next meal, so we stopped off at a Jamba Juice and I got a Mega Mango which is made entirely from fruit - Delish!  On top of the weight loss, my skin is a whole lot smoother and I'm looking much less tired these days even though I'm getting the same amount of sleep.  I did have a bit of detox going on late last week but it only lasted a few long hours.  My energy level is insanely high with the green smoothies.  Still lovin it!
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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 5

After months and months of letting myself go, I found myself sitting at 280 Lbs. I was finally starting to get a grip on my weight after going from 310 Lbs down to 206 Lbs while doing intermittent juice/water fasts. And then I entered a new relationship. His family likes to gather for BBQ's and pizza - ALOT! And even though I would be careful with what I was consuming, the weight started to creep back on. I was also working about 65-70 hours a week at my sedentary desk job; also not good. So after searching the web for alternatives to the juice fast, I stumbled upon green smoothies. I have been drinking the smoothies daily and have now decided to go "exclusively smoothie". I will be consuming only smoothies (mostly green smoothies) and Vega Complete Whole Food Optimizer (chocolate flavored - blended with banana). I will not weigh myself everyday because I don't want to become too consumed and fixated on the numbers alone. But I will weigh myself at least once a week.

So here I am, morning of day 5..... 276 Lbs. (4 Lbs released in 4 days)

I welcome you to join me on my journey!

~Jen :)

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